Computers become an essential part of our life. Computer lab of chemical engineering department has desktops with licensed software’s such as ANSIS and MATLAB. Students are also getting exposers to useful freely available software’s like DWSIM, SCILAB etc. Students are also taking advantage of computer lab by accessing NPTEL video lectures. Virtual lab experiments are regularly carried out for different subjects.
The objective of experiments performed in mass transfer lab is to study and apply principles of mass transfer and their application to separation and purification processes. The experiments integrate fluid dynamics and thermodynamics and proceeds to develop rate expressions for mass transfer in gases, liquids and solids. This will enable students with the theoretical/analytical aspects to design mass transfer equipments and to deal with complex problems of separations.
Chemical Reaction Engineering I:
Laboratory experiments provide hands on experience to develop reaction rate using integral/differential method of analysis, derivation of rate expressions from reaction mechanism, ideal reactor types, principles of chemical reactor analysis and design, design of batch and continuous reactors, selection of suitable reactor (PFR/CSTR), selection of suitable sequence for multiple reactors in series operations (PFR followed by CSTR or CSTR followed by PFR), optimization of reaction parameters to get highest selectivity in multiple reactions, consideration of temperature and pressure effects, etc.
Chemical Reaction Engineering II:
Laboratory experiments provide hands on experience to identify non-idealities present in various reactor flow pattern, selection of suitable flow pattern for heterogeneous (fluid-fluid and solid-fluid non-catalytic) reactions, selection and design of suitable reactor for fluid-fluid and solid-fluid non-catalytic reactions, studies on catalysts synthesis and characterization, reactor design considerations for heterogeneous catalytic reactions etc.
Major equipment setup available in CRE laboratory are, batch reactor, Straight pipe PFR, CSTR in series, Fixed bed reactor.
This lab is run in combination with the theory course Fluid Flow Operation (3130502). The Prerequisite of this course is Elements of Physics required. It is a preliminary core course where flow behavior, the effect of pressure and stress of fluid on different bodies studied. Further, it is useful for students to know the different types of metering devices. The goals of the experiments include applications of flow measuring instruments, demonstration of the momentum and energy equations, viscosity measurement and engineering correlations. Involved flow phenomena such as separations and transition to turbulence are demonstrated. Various Experimental setups are shown below.
List of Apparatus:-
Reynold’s apparatus
Pressure drop measurement
Orifice System
Venture System
V-notch System
Bernoulli’s Apparatus
The objective of experiments performed in Heat transfer lab
The objective of experiments performed in
The objective of experiments performed in