

Electrical Machine Lab   of electrical department is one of the oldest Laboratory, Laboratory has capacity to test induction motors up to 5 HP according to IS: 325. Electrical Machine laboratory is conducted for the undergraduate students in their second year. In this course students perform basic experiments on Transformers, DC machines, Inductions motors and Synchronous machines. 
Major Equipment: Eddy current drive for motor testing, Constant V/f control induction motor drives upto 5 hp rating, Rectifier Transformer Set, AC/DC servomotor, Energy efficient induction motor, Demonstration model of sensor less vector control .

Experiments of Machine laboratory
1.Parallel Operation of Two Single Phase Transformers 
2.Determination of the characteristic of a DC Shunt Generator 
3.Determination of equivalent circuits parameters of a Three Phase Induction Motor 
4.Determination of V-curve of a Synchronous Machine 
5.(a) Scott Connection of Two Single phase Transformers (b) Vector group test 
6.Determination of efficiency of DC machine through Hopkinson's Test.


To enable students to understand the operation of semiconductor devices and power electronics converters, the laboratory is equipped with the experimental set-ups and students are exposed to hands on design experiments. The laboratory also enables students to carry out projects very effectively. The laboratory caters the need of experiments for UG and PG programmes.


To enable students to understand the operation of semiconductor devices and power electronics converters, the laboratory is equipped with the experimental set-ups and students are exposed to hands on design experiments. The laboratory also enables students to carry out projects very effectively. The laboratory caters the need of experiments for UG and PG programmes. 
Major Equipment : Experimental setups for power electronics Applications like inverters, IGBT & MOSFET, , A.C. voltage controllers, Chopper trainer, Single phase dual converter, Gate/Base triggering circuit trainer, Micro-controller kit, function generators, Power and harmonic analyzer. 

Experiments of Power Eletronics Lab:

1. 1-phase Half & Full Controlled Converter
2. 3-Phase Thyristor converter circuits 
3. Familiarisation with PE Components 
4. D C Chopper Circuits 
5. Basic DC-DC Converters with MOSFET Switch 
6. Study of a single phase PWM AC to DC converter
7.Switching characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT


Process Control is an important area of Instrumentation and Control Engineering. The process control laboratory furnishes the required set up to understand the basic principles.control trainers for simple feedback control systems to complex control systems are available. 


This laboratory provides the platform for the students to understand the architecture and interfacing of microprocessor. The laboratory is equipped with the different experimental set-ups. Facility is provided to the students to do hands on for testing their programming codes. The laboratory also enables students to carry out projects very effectively.


To offer latest computing facilities, the department has latest computer terminals in various labs. Some of the terminals are having interfacing with hardware circuitry. The department has  70 PCs of Electrical Engineering . 

List of Softwares:
