In pandemic COVID-19 period Mechanical Engineering Department, L E college-Morbi has organised the online short term training program (STTP) on “Recent Trends in Advanced Manufacturing Processes” to bring together the academicians, researchers and industry professionals in the domain of manufacturing to contribute towards the “Make in India”. For which the GUJCOST- Gandhinagar has given the grant of Rs. 30,000/- and DTE-Gandhinagar has supported by giving permission. The major aim of STTP was to enrich the knowledge and skills in advanced roots of manufacturing, which are useful for various types of industries.
The online STTP was conducted during the 5th April to 9th April 2021. On 5th April 2021 at 10.30 am the inaugural function was started with Sarasvati Vandna. Afterwards the program coordinator Prof P B Tailor gave the welcome speech and briefed about the STTP. The present dignitary Dr S N Pandya, Principal – LEC, Morbi has inaugurated the STTP and delivered the motivational speech followed by the key note session which was delivered by industrial professional Mr. Kalpesh Chhaya, Executive - Simpolo, Morbi on “role of ceramic industries in current manufacturing era”. The next planetary session was on “threats and opportunities for Indian manufacturing industries” delivered by Dr. G D Acharya, Principal, AIT-Rajkot. Further, from afternoon session of day one to last day of STTP the domain specific knowledge has been shared by the various invited speakers as mentioned in Appendix–I. The major areas was covered by the experts were as follow:
- Indian manufacturing scenario
- Smart foundry
- IOTs in manufacturing
- Industry 4.0 in manufacturing
- Advanced forming/machining processes
- 3D printing, composites and coatings
- Automation
The applications has been received around 120.
Total 88 participants finalized
considering completion of application and response against follow-up, no fees charged from any participant.
Throughout the program daily attendance was taken and session based
assignments were assigned too. Based on the presence and submitted assignment
by individual participant the certificate have been awarded to the 77
participants. On 9th April 2021 from 2.30 pm the valedictory function was organized.
During that the feedback on STTP through questionnaire
from participants taken as well as permitted to share their experience and
opinion. The closing of STTP done with vote
of thanks delivered by program co-coordinator Dr V B Patel.