Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada

Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada
Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada

Total Experience : 6 years

Qualifications: Ph,D.
Specialization: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, Process and Product design and Development, Renewable Resource Utilization
Current Activities:
Industry Experience:

Visible/solar light active photocatalysts for organic effluent treatment: Fundaments, mechanisms and parametric review

2017 International Journal

Intensive research work is being undertaken globally to effectively use the process of photo catalysis for the degradation of organic pollutants from industrial effluents. For the same,TiO2 has been extensively explored, which however,has a limitation of being able to utilize the UV spectrum-only, due to its high band gap property. Since a substantial percentage of the solar spectrum is visible light,it is imperative that for an effective and versatile utilization of the incident solar energy, visible light active photo catalysts, having are natively smaller band gap are developed.Smaller band gap,however,of ten results in rapid recombination and conversion of photonic enervation-usable heat.This art icleisa review of the sciencebehindtheperformanceofvisible/ solar lightactivephotocatalysts.The first partincludesthefundamentalsofphotocatalysis,including thermodynamics, reactionkineticsandrecombination.Thesecondpartreviewsthevisible/solarlightactive photocatalytic materialsaswellasthesignificant researchefforts madesofarintheexplorationofpossible mechanisms ofphotoexcitationandremediesforminimizationofrecombination.Finally,anoperational overview isprovidedwhichishelpfulinassessingtheinfluence ofkeyparametersonthephotocatalyticactivity. This reviewpresentsasinglepointreferenceforacomparativestudyandreadyassimilationofthebasicsand new directionsinphotocatalysis,thusmakingitmoreconducivetofurtherresearchandactivecommercialisa- tion.

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Leena V. Bora, Rajubhai K. Mewada
Journal: Renewable and sustainable Energy Review

Photocatalytic treatment of dyewaste water and parametric study using a novel Z-scheme Ag2CO3/SiC photocatalyst under natural sunlight

2017 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Leena V.Bora,RajubhaiK.Mewada
Journal: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Exergy and exergoeconomic analyses of thermally coupled reactors for methanol synthesis

2017 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Samir C.Nimkar , Rajubhai K.Mewada , MarcA.Rosen
Journal: International Journal of hydrogen energy

Studies on copper chlorine thermochemical cycle for hydrogen production

2016 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Dhaval S. Andadia, Y.B. Solanki & R.K. Mewada
Journal: Multi-disciplinary Sustainable Engineering: Current and Future Trends

Crosslinking of starch and its effect on viscosity behaviour

2016 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Nimish Shah, Rajubhai K. Mewada and Tejal Mehta
Journal: Rev Chem Eng

Effect of catalyst selectivity on exergetic and exergoeconomic evaluation of ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol process

2016 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Samir C.Nimkar , Rajubhai K.Mewada
Journal: Int. J. Exergy

Preparation of Polysaccharide Nanocopolymers by Reactive Blending

2016 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Nimish Shah, Rajubhai K. Mewada and Tejal Mehta
Journal: Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine


2015 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Nimish Shah, Rajubhai K. Mewada and Tejal Mehta
Journal: Journal of Environmental Research And Development

Minimisation of exergy losses in mono high pressure nitric acid process

2015 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Samir C.Nimkar , Rajubhai K.Mewada
Journal: Int. J. Exergy

Study the Effect of Dispersion of Filler in Polymer Composite for Radiation Shielding

2014 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Mamta Saiyad, Niranjan M.Devashrayee, RajuK.Mevada

An overview of exergy analysis for chemical process industries

2014 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Samir C.Nimkar , Rajubhai K.Mewada
Journal: Int. J. Exergy

Review of a Cyclohexane Oxidation Reaction Using Heterogenous Catalyst

2014 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Priyank Khirsariya, Rajubhai Mewada
Journal: International Journal of Engineering Development and Research

The influence of stabilisers on resistance to gamma radiation for epoxy based polymeric composite material

2013 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, MamtaSaiyad ,N.M.Devashrayee ,R.K.Mewada
Journal: Composites:PartB

Development of rate expression for glycerol hydrogenation reaction

2012 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Bharat N Chatwani, Raju K Mewada

Single step oxidation of methane to methanol towards better understanding

2013 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Priyank Khirsariya, Rajubhai Mewada

Chitosan: Development of Nanoparticles, Other Physical Forms and Solubility with Acids

2013 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Nimish Shah, Rajubhai K. Mewada and Tejal Mehta
Journal: Journal of Nano Research

Novelties of azobenzene synthesis via selective hydrogenation of nitrobenzene over nano-fibrous Ag-OMS-2–Mechanism and kinetics

2013 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Ganapati D.Yadav, RajubhaiK.Mewada
Journal: Chemical Engineering Journal

Selectivity engineering in the synthesis of value added chemicals: Oxidation of 1-octanol to 1-octanal over nano-fibrous Ag–OMS-2 catalysts

2013 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Ganapati D.Yadav, RajubhaiK.Mewada
Journal: Chemical Engineering Research and Design

Selective hydrogenation of acetophenone to 1-phenyl ethanol over nanofibrous Ag-OMS-2 catalysts

2012 International Journal

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Ganapati D.Yadav, RajubhaiK.Mewada
Journal: Catalysis Today

Characteristics of Oxidation and Oxidative Dehydrogenation Catalysts for Gas Phase Reactions: A Review

2011 International Conference

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, C.R. Mistry, R.K. Mewada, V.K. Srivastava, R.V. Jasra

Simulation of Coal Gasification Process using ASPEN PLUS

2011 International Conference

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Rajul Nayak, Raju K Mewada

Application of biodegradable Polymers in Controlled drug Delivery

2011 International Conference

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, Nimish Shah, Rajubhai K. Mewada and Tejal Mehta

Kinetics of toluene methylation over silica modified HZSM-S zeolites

2002 Research Paper

Authors: Prof. Raju (Dr.) Mewada, J Das, P R Char, A B Hal geri, R K Mewada & N Subrahmanyam
Journal: Indian Journal of Chemica l Technology