Dr. Vasavada Tejas

Dr. Vasavada Tejas
Dr. Vasavada Tejas
Asst. Professor

Total Experience : 8 years

Specialization: Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Application of Machine Learning to IoT/WSN, Network Simulation
Current Activities:
Industry Experience:

Scheduling Algorithms for Under Water Sensor Network: s: Recent Approaches and Challenges

2021 International Journal

Authors: Dr. Vasavada Tejas, Tejas Vasavada, Sanjay Srivastava
Journal: INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science

Algorithm for fairness in Schedule Lengths of Sink-rooted trees in multi-sink heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

2020 International Journal

Authors: Dr. Vasavada Tejas, Tejas Vasavada, Sanjay Srivastava
Journal: International Journal of Information Technology, Springer (SCOPUS INDEXED)

Simulation based Evaluation of Attribute Aware Scheduling in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

2020 International Journal

Authors: Dr. Vasavada Tejas, Tejas Vasavada, Sanjay Srivastava
Journal: ADBU Journal of Engineering & Technology (Part of UGC CARE List)

A Review of Distributed Scheduling Algorithms for Tree based Wireless Sensor Networks

2019 International Journal

Authors: Dr. Vasavada Tejas, Tejas Vasavada, Sanjay Srivastava
Journal: International Journal of Next Generation Computing (Part of UGC CARE List)

Heuristics Based Tree Switching in Two-sink Sensor Networks

2019 International Journal

Authors: Dr. Vasavada Tejas, Tejas Vasavada, Sanjay Srivastava
Journal: INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science (Part of UGC CARE List)